Where is the arrondissement of Carcassonne located?

Q: Where is the arrondissement of Carcassonne located?

A: The arrondissement of Carcassonne is located in the Occitanie region of France.

Q: What is an arrondissement?

A: An arrondissement is a subnational administrative division in France, similar to a district or county.

Q: Which department is the arrondissement of Carcassonne a part of?

A: The arrondissement of Carcassonne is part of the Aude département.

Q: What is the capital of the arrondissement of Carcassonne?

A: The capital of the arrondissement of Carcassonne is the city of Carcassonne.

Q: Is Carcassonne also the prefecture of the Aude département?

A: Yes, Carcassonne is the prefecture of the Aude département.

Q: What does the term "Occitanie region" mean?

A: The Occitanie region is one of the 18 administrative regions of France, created by the territorial reform of 2014.

Q: What is the population of the arrondissement of Carcassonne?

A: The population of the arrondissement of Carcassonne is not provided in the given text.

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