What is a long-nosed bandicoot?
Q: What is a long-nosed bandicoot?
A: A long-nosed bandicoot is a small marsupial mammal that lives along the east coast of Australia from Victoria to Queensland and is found in forests and rainforests.
Q: How many species of long-nosed bandicoots are there?
A: There are four species of long-nosed bandicoots.
Q: Where do long-nosed bandicoots live?
A: Long-nosed bandicoots live in small hidden nests, in among shrubs, hollow logs, or old rabbit burrows.
Q: What is the gestation period of the long-nosed bandicoot?
A: The long-nosed bandicoot has the shortest gestation period of all mammals.
Q: How is the long-nosed bandicoot endangered?
A: Long-nosed bandicoots are endangered because the areas they like to live in have been cleared for farming or housing, and they are also hunted by dogs, cats, and foxes.
Q: Which animal has caused damage to the bandicoots' habitat?
A: Rabbits have eaten many of the plants and made it unsuitable for bandicoots.
Q: Are long-nosed bandicoots protected by law?
A: Yes, bandicoots are protected by law.