What does LOL stand for?
Q: What does LOL stand for?
A: LOL stands for "laugh(ing) out loud."
Q: What is the common misconception about LOL?
A: The common misconception about LOL is that it stands for "lots of love."
Q: What is the common usage of LOL in messages?
A: The common usage of LOL in messages is to indicate that something is really funny.
Q: What is the meaning of LOL in Persian?
A: In Persian, LOL means "mute."
Q: Is LOL an acronym in the Dutch language?
A: No, LOL is not an acronym in the Dutch language. Instead, it means "fun" and "lollig" means "funny."
Q: What does LOL mean in Welsh?
A: In Welsh, LOL means "nonsense." For example, "rwtsh lol" means "utter nonsense."
Q: Where is LOL commonly used?
A: LOL is commonly used on the Internet or when text messaging.