What is the arrondissement of Angoulême?
Q: What is the arrondissement of Angoulême?
A: The arrondissement of Angoulême is a subdivision of France located in the Charente department of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.
Q: What is the capital of the arrondissement of Angoulême?
A: The capital and prefecture of the department of Angoulême is the city of Angoulême.
Q: In which region of France is the arrondissement of Angoulême located?
A: The arrondissement of Angoulême is located in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of France.
Q: What type of subdivision is the arrondissement of Angoulême?
A: The arrondissement of Angoulême is a subdivision of France.
Q: What is the department that encompasses the arrondissement of Angoulême?
A: The Charente department encompasses the arrondissement of Angoulême.
Q: What is the function of the arrondissement of Angoulême?
A: The arrondissement of Angoulême serves as a subdivision of France and is responsible for local governance and administration.
Q: What is a prefecture in France?
A: A prefecture is a French term for the administrative capital of a department. In the case of the arrondissement of Angoulême, its prefecture is the city of Angoulême.