Where is Llullaillaco located?

Q: Where is Llullaillaco located?

A: Llullaillaco is located in the Andes range, in Argentina and Chile.

Q: How high is Llullaillaco?

A: Llullaillaco is 6,739 meters (22,110 ft) high.

Q: What kind of mountain is Llullaillaco?

A: Llullaillaco is a stratovolcano.

Q: What is the ranking of Llullaillaco among the highest mountains in the Andes?

A: Llullaillaco is the 7th highest mountain in the Andes.

Q: Where is the Puna de Atacama?

A: The Puna de Atacama is a region of very high volcanic peaks on a high plateau within the Atacama Desert.

Q: What is the Atacama Desert known for?

A: The Atacama Desert is known for being one of the driest places in the world.

Q: Is Llullaillaco located in the driest place in the world?

A: Yes, Llullaillaco is located in the Atacama Desert, which is one of the driest places in the world.

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