Where is Linkinhorne located?

Q: Where is Linkinhorne located?

A: Linkinhorne is a parish and village in southeast Cornwall, United Kingdom.

Q: Can you provide the grid reference for the village of Linkinhorne?

A: The grid reference for the village of Linkinhorne is SX 320 736.

Q: How far is Linkinhorne from Callington?

A: Linkinhorne is approximately four miles (6.5 km) northwest of Callington.

Q: What other settlements are included in the parish of Linkinhorne?

A: Other settlements in the parish include Bray Shop, Caradon Town, Downgate, Henwood, Ley Mill, Minions, and Upton Cross.

Q: What natural features border the area of Linkinhorne?

A: The area is bordered by the River Inny in the north-east and Bodmin Moor to the west.

Q: Is Linkinhorne a largely rural area?

A: Yes, the parish is largely rural.

Q: What is the name and age of the parish church in Linkinhorne?

A: The parish church is St Melor and it dates back to the 15th century.

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