Linear map

A linear mapping (also called linear transformation or vector space homomorphism) is an important type of mapping between two vector spaces over the same body in linear algebra. In a linear mapping, it is irrelevant whether one first adds two vectors and then maps their sum, or first maps the vectors and then forms the sum of the images. The same applies to the multiplication with a scalar from the basic body.

The illustrated example of a reflection on the Y-axis illustrates this. The vector cis the sum of the vectors aand  band its image is the vector  {c'}.  {c'}However, also obtained by  badding the images  {a'}and  {b'}of the vectors aand

It is then said that a linear mapping is compatible with the links vector addition and scalar multiplication. Thus, the linear mapping is a homomorphism (structure-preserving mapping) between vector spaces.

In functional analysis, when considering infinite-dimensional vector spaces carrying a topology, one usually speaks of linear operators instead of linear mappings. Formally, the terms are synonymous. However, for infinite-dimensional vector spaces the question of continuity is significant, while continuity always exists for linear mappings between finite-dimensional real vector spaces (each with the Euclidean norm) or, more generally, between finite-dimensional Hausdorff topological vector spaces.

Axis mirroring as an example of a linear mappingZoom
Axis mirroring as an example of a linear mapping


Let Vand be Wvector spaces over a common ground body K. A mapping  f\colon V \to W is called a linear mapping if for all  x,y \in V and a \in Kthe following conditions hold:

  • fis homogeneous:

f\left(a x\right) = a f\left(x\right)

  • fis additive:


The two conditions above can also be combined:

f\left(ax + y\right) = af\left(x\right) + f\left(y\right)

For y = 0_Vthis transitions into the condition for homogeneity and for a = 1_Kinto that for additivity. Another equivalent condition is the requirement that the graph of the mapping is fa subvector space of the sum of the vector spaces Vand W


A mapping is linear if it is compatible with the vector space structure. That is, linear mappings are compatible with both the underlying addition and scalar multiplication of the domain of definitions and values. Compatibility with addition means that the linear mapping f\colon V\to Wpreserves sums. If we {\displaystyle v_{1},v_{2},v_{3}\in V}have a sum {\displaystyle v_{3}=v_{1}+v_{2}}with the domain of definition, then {\displaystyle f(v_{3})=f(v_{1})+f(v_{2})}and thus this sum is preserved after the mapping in the range of values:

{\displaystyle \forall v_{1},v_{2},v_{3}\in V{\Big (}v_{3}=v_{1}+v_{2}\implies f(v_{3})=f(v_{1})+f(v_{2}){\Big )}}

This implication can be shortened by {\displaystyle f(v_{3})=f(v_{1})+f(v_{2})}substituting the premise {\displaystyle v_{3}=v_{1}+v_{2}}into Thus, we obtain the requirement {\displaystyle f(v_{1}+v_{2})=f(v_{1})+f(v_{2})}. Analogously, compatibility can be described by scalar multiplication. This is satisfied if from the relation {\displaystyle {\tilde {v}}=\lambda v}with the scalar λ\lambda \in Kand v\in Vin the domain of definition it follows that also {\displaystyle f({\tilde {v}})=\lambda f(v)}holds in the domain of values:

{\displaystyle \forall {\tilde {v}},v\in V\,\forall \lambda \in K{\Big (}{\tilde {v}}=\lambda v\implies f({\tilde {v}})=\lambda f(v){\Big )}}

After substituting the premise {\displaystyle {\tilde {v}}=\lambda v}into the conclusion {\displaystyle f({\tilde {v}})=\lambda f(v)}we obtain the claim {\displaystyle f(\lambda v)=\lambda f(v)}.


Visualization of compatibility with vector addition: each vector given by v_{1}, v_{2}and {\displaystyle v_{3}=v_{1}+v_{2}}addition triangle is fpreserved by the linear mapping Also {\displaystyle f(v_{1})}, {\displaystyle f(v_{2})}and {\displaystyle f(v_{1}+v_{2})}forms an addition triangle and it holds that {\displaystyle f(v_{1}+v_{2})=f(v_{1})+f(v_{2})}.


For mappings that are not compatible with addition, there are vectors v_{1}, v_{2}and {\displaystyle v_{3}=v_{1}+v_{2}}, so that {\displaystyle f(v_{1})}, {\displaystyle f(v_{2})}and {\displaystyle f(v_{1}+v_{2})}not form an addition triangle because {\displaystyle f(v_{1}+v_{2})\neq f(v_{1})+f(v_{2})}. Such a mapping is not linear.


Visualization of compatibility with scalar multiplication: any scaling λ {\displaystyle \lambda v}preserved by a linear mapping and it holds {\displaystyle f(\lambda v)=\lambda f(v)}.


If a mapping is not compatible with scalar multiplication, then there is a scalar λ \lambda and a vector v, such that the scaling λ {\displaystyle \lambda v}not {\displaystyle \lambda f(v)}map to the scaling λ Such a mapping is not linear.


  • For any linear mapping has the formV = W = \Rf(x) = m xwith m \in \R.
  • Let V=\mathbb {R} ^{n}and W = \R^m. Then, for each m\times n-matrix Ausing matrix multiplication, we obtain a linear mapping
    f \colon \R^n \to \R^m

    defined. Any linear mapping from
    f(x)=A\,x={\begin{pmatrix}a_{{11}}&\dots &a_{{1n}}\\\vdots &&\vdots \\a_{{m1}}&\dots &a_{{mn}}\end{pmatrix}}{\begin{pmatrix}x_{1}\\\vdots \\x_{n}\end{pmatrix}}\mathbb {R} ^{n}to \mathbb {R} ^{m}can be represented in this way.
  • If I\subset \mathbb {R} an open interval, V = C^1(I,\R)the \mathbb {R} -vector space of continuously differentiable functions on Iand W = C^0(I,\R)of \mathbb {R} -vector space of continuous functions on I, then the mapping
      D \colon C^1(I,\R) \to C^0(I,\R), f \mapsto f' ,
    which assigns to
    each function
    f \in C^1(I,\R)its derivative, linear. The same holds for other linear differential operators.


The stretch {\displaystyle f(x,y)=(2x,y)}is a linear mapping. In this mapping, the xcomponent is 2stretched by a factor of .


This mapping is additive: it doesn't matter if you first add vectors and then map them, or if you first map the vectors and then add them: f(a+b)=f(a)+f(b).


This mapping is homogeneous: it does not matter whether you first scale a vector and then map it, or whether you first map the vector and then scale it: {\displaystyle f(\lambda a)=\lambda f(a)}.

Image and core

Two sets important in considering linear mappings are the image and the kernel of a linear mapping f\colon V \to W.

  • The image \mathrm {im} (f)the mapping is the set of image vectors under f, that is, the set of all f(v)with vfrom V. Therefore, the image set is also f(V)notated by The image is a subvector space of W.
  • The kernel \mathrm{ker}(f)the mapping is the set of vectors from V, which are Wmapped by fto the zero vector of It is a subvector space of V. The mapping fis injective exactly if the kernel contains only the zero vector.


  • A linear mapping between the vector spaces Vand Wmaps the zero vector of Vto the zero vector of W
    f(0_V) = 0_W , because f\left(0_{V}\right)=f\left(0\cdot 0_{V}\right)=0\cdot f\left(0_{V}\right)=0_{W}.
  • A relation between kernel and image of a linear mapping f\colon V\to Wis described by the homomorphism : The factor space V / \mathrm {ker} (f)is isomorphic to the image \mathrm{im}(f).

Linear mappings between finite dimensional vector spaces.


A linear mapping between finite-dimensional vector spaces is uniquely determined by the images of the vectors of a basis. If the vectors form b_1, \dotsc, b_na basis of the vector space Vand are w_1, \dotsc, w_nvectors in W, then there exists exactly one linear mapping f\colon V\to W, which maps b_{1}to w_1, b_2on w_{2}, ..., b_{n}}b_{n}w_nmaps to If vis any vector from V, then it can be uniquely represented as a linear combination of the basis vectors:

v = \textstyle\sum\limits_{j=1}^n v_j b_j

Here are v_{1},\ldots ,v_{n}the coordinates of the vector with respect to the basisv\{b_{1},\dotsc ,b_{n}\}. Its image f(v)is given by

f(v)=\textstyle \sum \limits _{{j=1}}^{n}v_{j}f(b_{j})=\sum \limits _{{j=1}}^{n}v_{j}w_{j}.

The mapping fis injective if and only if the image vectors w_1, \dotsc, w_nthe basis are linearly independent. It is surjective if and only if w_1, \dotsc, w_nWspan the target space

If one assigns to each element b_1, \dotsc, b_na basis of Vvector w_1, \dotsc, w_nfrom Warbitrarily, then one can use the above formula to continue this assignment uniquely to a linear mapping f\colon V\to W.

Representing the image vectors w_jwith respect to a basis of Wleads to the matrix representation of the linear mapping.

Mapping matrix

Main article: Mapping matrix

If Vand are Wfinite dimensional, \dim V = n, \dim W = m, and are bases B = \{b_1, \dotsc, b_n\}of Vand B' = \{b_1', \dotsc, b_m'\}of Wgiven, then any linear mapping f\colon V\to WM^B_{B'}(f)be represented by an m\times nmatrix This is obtained as follows: For each basis vector b_{j}from Bthe image vector b_1', \dotsc, b_m'represented f(b_j)as a linear combination of the basis vectors

f(b_j) = \sum_{i=1}^m a_{ij} b_i'

The a_{ij}, i = 1, \dotsc, m,  j = 1, \dotsc, nform the entries of the matrix M^B_{B'}(f):

M^B_{B'}(f) = \begin{pmatrix} a_{11} & \dots & a_{1j} & \dots & a_{1n} \\ \vdots & & \vdots & & \vdots \\ a_{m1} & \dots &a_{mj} & \dots & a_{mn} \end{pmatrix}

Thus, in the j-th column are the coordinates of f(b_j)respect to the base B'.

Using this matrix, one can v = v_1 b_1 + \dotsb + v_n b_n \in Vcalculate the image vector f(v)of each vector

f(v) = \sum_{j=1}^n v_j f(b_j) = \sum_{j=1}^n v_j \left(\sum_{i=1}^m a_{ij} b_i' \right) = \sum_{i=1}^m \left(\sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij} v_j \right)b_i'

Thus, for the coordinates {\displaystyle w_{1},\dotsc ,w_{m}}of with respect tof(v)B'following holds true

w_i = \sum_{j =1}^n a_{ij} v_j.

This can be expressed using matrix multiplication:

{\begin{pmatrix}w_{1}\\\vdots \\w_{m}\end{pmatrix}}={\begin{pmatrix}a_{{11}}&\dots &a_{{1n}}\\\vdots &&\vdots \\a_{{m1}}&\dots &a_{{mn}}\end{pmatrix}}\,{\begin{pmatrix}v_{1}\\\vdots \\v_{n}\end{pmatrix}}

The matrix M^B_{B'}(f)is called the mapping matrix or representation matrix of f. Other notations for M^B_{B'}(f)are _{B'}f_Band _{B'}[f]_B.

Dimension formula

Main article: Rank set

Image and core are related by the dimension theorem. This states that the dimension of Vis equal to the sum of the dimensions of the image and the core:

\dim V=\dim \mathrm {ker} (f)+\dim \mathrm {im} (f)

Summary of the properties of injective and surjective linear mappingsZoom
Summary of the properties of injective and surjective linear mappings

Linear mappings between infinite-dimensional vector spaces.

Main article: Linear operator

Especially in functional analysis one considers linear mappings between infinite-dimensional vector spaces. In this context, the linear mappings are usually called linear operators. The considered vector spaces usually carry the additional structure of a normalized complete vector space. Such vector spaces are called Banach spaces. In contrast to the finite dimensional case, it is not sufficient to study linear operators only on one basis. According to the Bairean category theorem, a basis of an infinite-dimensional Banach space has overcountably many elements and the existence of such a basis cannot be justified constructively, that is, only by using the axiom of selection. Therefore, one uses a different notion of bases, such as orthonormal bases or, more generally, Schauder bases. With this, certain operators such as Hilbert-Schmidt operators can be represented with the help of "infinite matrices", in which case infinite linear combinations must also be allowed.

Special linear mappings


A monomorphism between vector spaces is a linear mapping f\colon V\to W, which is injective. This is true exactly if the column vectors of the representation matrix are linearly independent.


An epimorphism between vector spaces is a linear mapping f\colon V\to W, which is surjective. This is the case exactly if the rank of the representation matrix is equal to the dimension of W


An isomorphism between vector spaces is a linear mapping f\colon V\to W, which is bijective. This is exactly the case if the representation matrix is regular. The two spaces Vand Wthen called isomorphic.


An endomorphism between vector spaces is a linear mapping where the spaces Vand Wequal: f\colon V\to V. The representation matrix of this mapping is a square matrix.


An automorphism between vector spaces is a bijective linear mapping where the spaces Vand are Wequal. Thus, it is both an isomorphism and an endomorphism. The representation matrix of this mapping is a regular matrix.

Vector space of linear mappings

The set L(V,W)of linear mappings from a K-vector space Vto a K-vector space Wis a vector space over K, more precisely: a subvector space of the K-vector space of all mappings from Vto W. This means that the sum of two linear mappings fand g, component-wise defined by

(f+g)\colon x\mapsto f(x)+g(x),

is again a linear mapping and that the product

(\lambda f) \colon x \mapsto \lambda f(x)

of a linear mapping with a scalar λ\lambda \in Kis also a linear mapping again.

If Vhas dimension nand Wdimension mand if Va base Band Wa base Cthe mapping is

L(V,W)\to K^{{m\times n}},\ f\mapsto M_{C}^{B}(f)

into the matrix space K^{m\times n}is an isomorphism. Thus the vector space L(V,W)has dimension m \cdot n.

If we consider the set of linear self-mappings of a vector space, i.e. the special case V=W, these form not only a vector space, but with the concatenation of mappings as multiplication, an associative algebra, L(V)denoted briefly by

Formation of the vector space L(V,W)Zoom
Formation of the vector space L(V,W)


A linear mapping is a special case of an affine mapping.

Replacing the body by a ring in the definition of the linear mapping between vector spaces, we obtain a moduli homomorphism. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3