What is Lindau (district)?

Q: What is Lindau (district)?

A: Lindau (district) is a rural district located in Swabia in southwest Bavaria, Germany.

Q: Which districts neighbor Lindau (district)?

A: The neighboring districts of Lindau (district) are Oberallgäu and in Baden-Württemberg: Ravensburg (district) and the Bodensee (district).

Q: What are the geographical features located to the south of Lindau (district)?

A: The Austrian state Vorarlberg and Lake Constance are located to the south of Lindau (district).

Q: What is the capital of Lindau (district)?

A: Lindau is the capital of Lindau (district).

Q: Is Lindau (district) an urban or rural district?

A: Lindau (district) is a rural district.

Q: In which region of Germany is Swabia located?

A: Swabia is located in southwest Bavaria, Germany.

Q: Can you name the two neighboring districts in Baden-Württemberg?

A: The two neighboring districts in Baden-Württemberg are Ravensburg (district) and the Bodensee (district).

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