What is a light bulb?

Q: What is a light bulb?

A: A light bulb is an electronic device that produces light from electricity.

Q: What are some uses of a light bulb?

A: A light bulb can be used to light a dark space, show an electronic device is on, direct traffic, provide heat, and for many other purposes.

Q: How many light bulbs are in use?

A: Billions of light bulbs are in use, some even in outer space.

Q: What did early people use for light before the invention of the light bulb?

A: Early people used candles and oil lamps for light.

Q: Who invented the electric arclight?

A: Humphry Davy invented the electric arclight in the early 1800s.

Q: Who invented the more efficient incandescent lightbulb?

A: Thomas Alva Edison, Joseph Swann, and several others in the 1880s invented the more efficient incandescent lightbulb.

Q: What kind of light bulb became the main kind for the 20th century?

A: The incandescent light bulb became the main kind for the 20th century, thanks to improved vacuum pumps and better materials made them shine longer and brighter late in the century.

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