What is the name of the city in Belgium?

Q: What is the name of the city in Belgium?

A: The city in Belgium is called Liège.

Q: What is the cultural centre of the Walloon region of Belgium?

A: Liège is the cultural centre of the Walloon region of Belgium.

Q: When was the first written trace found for this city?

A: The first written trace for this city was found in 558 as Leodicum or Vicus Leodicus.

Q: How did Liege become a cultural centre in the Middle Ages?

A: In 717, Liege was made the seat of a bishopric and became a cultural centre in the Middle Ages.

Q: How did French Revolution affect Liege's cathedral?

A: During French Revolution, Liege's cathedral was damaged, partially burned down and then completely destroyed.

Q: What were some major industries that drove economic growth during 19th century?

A: During 19th century, coal-mining, steel industry and trade drove economic growth in Liège.

Q: What are some industries that are driving economy today?

A: Today, logistics and high tech industry (biotechnology, space industry, IT) are driving economy in Liège.

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