Libra (astrology)

The zodiacal sign Libra (ancient Greek ζυγὁς Zygós, Latin Libra) corresponds to the seventh segment of the zodiac from 180° to 210° ecliptic longitude from the vernal equinox.

The Sun is in this sign on average between September 24 and October 23. Due to the migration of the vernal equinox, the zodiac sign Libra no longer corresponds to the constellation Libra today. The Sun is in the constellation Libra approximately between October 31 and November 23.

According to the Tetrabiblos of Claudius Ptolemy

  • Libra is male (I.12) and
  • Venus is ruler of the sign (I.17), and
  • Saturn is exalted in Libra (I.19).

As a Melothesian equivalent, in ancient iatroastrology the body parts navel, loins and buttocks were assigned to Libra, as well as the kidney among the organs. The assigned deity was Vulcanus.

With Aquarius and Gemini, Libra forms the trine of the element of air, and with Capricorn, Aries, and Cancer, it forms the square of the four tropical or cardinal signs.

The sign of the zodiac was already part of the Babylonian-Assyrian MUL.APIN series Way of the Moon, which includes 18 astronomical constellations, there named as "Libra" (RIN). The Greeks took over the sign of Libra with the Babylonian epithet "Scissors [of the Scorpion]" (χηλαι), only the Romans took over Libra from the Chaldeans.

Since ancient times, the sign has been depicted as a simple scale with two scales connected by a balance beam. The astrological symbol is possibly of Egyptian origin, as the scales were referred to there in astrological texts with the word for horizon.

The Unicode character for the symbol is U+264E (♎).

Astrological symbol of LibraZoom
Astrological symbol of Libra

The balance in a work of Regiomontanus.Zoom
The balance in a work of Regiomontanus.

Questions and Answers

Q: What is Libra in astrology?

A: Libra is an astrological sign related to the constellation Libra, in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpius and Virgo.

Q: When does the Sun meet Libra in the tropical zodiac?

A: The Sun meets Libra in the tropical zodiac from September 23 to October 23.

Q: When does the Sun end in Libra in the sidereal zodiac?

A: The Sun ends in Libra in the sidereal zodiac on November 15.

Q: What is unique about the symbol of Libra in the zodiac?

A: The symbol of Libra is unique in that it is not represented by an animal or person, it is inanimate, and it is the only symbol of the zodiac to be so.

Q: What is the opposite sign to Libra?

A: The opposite sign to Libra is Aries.

Q: What is Tišritum in the Babylonian calendar?

A: Tišritum is the corresponding month in the Babylonian calendar, made for Shamash (the Sun).

Q: What does Libra represent in astrology?

A: Libra represents balance, harmony, and justice in astrology. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3