What is the largest island in Scotland?
Q: What is the largest island in Scotland?
A: The largest island in Scotland is Lewis and Harris in the Outer Hebrides.
Q: What is the area of Lewis and Harris?
A: The area of Lewis and Harris is 2,177 square kilometers (841 sq mi).
Q: Is Lewis and Harris one or two islands?
A: Lewis and Harris is one island, but the northern part is called Lewis and the southern part is called Harris.
Q: What is the boundary between Lewis and Harris?
A: The boundary between Lewis and Harris is formed by a line with Loch Resort on the west and Loch Seaforth on the east.
Q: What is the main town in Lewis and Harris?
A: The main town in Lewis and Harris is Stornoway in Lewis.
Q: Who did Lewis belong to until 1975?
A: Until 1975, Lewis belonged to the county of Ross and Cromarty.
Q: Who is the island group's ancestral homeland?
A: The island group's ancestral homeland is the Highland Clan MacLeod and the Clan Morrison.