Where is Ciudad Lerdo located?

Q: Where is Ciudad Lerdo located?

A: Ciudad Lerdo is located in the northeastern Durango, Mexico.

Q: What is the population of Ciudad Lerdo?

A: In 2010, the city of Lerdo had a population of 79,669.

Q: How does the population of Lerdo, Durango compare between 2005 and 2010?

A: The population of Lerdo, Durango increased from 71,373 people in 2005 to 79,669 people in 2010.

Q: What is Lerdo Municipality?

A: Lerdo Municipality is a municipality in Durango, Mexico, of which Ciudad Lerdo is the municipal seat.

Q: What is the population of Lerdo Municipality?

A: In 2010, Lerdo Municipality had a population of 141,043.

Q: What is the climate like in Ciudad Lerdo?

A: Ciudad Lerdo has an arid climate.

Q: What is Ciudad Lerdo known for?

A: Ciudad Lerdo is known for its parks, gardens, and ice cream.

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