Where is Lenexa located?

Q: Where is Lenexa located?

A: Lenexa is located in Johnson County, Kansas, United States.

Q: How populous is Lenexa?

A: In 2010, Lenexa had a population of 48,190 people, making it the 9th most populated city in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area.

Q: What company was created in Lenexa?

A: Garmin was created in Lenexa.

Q: What construction company has its regional headquarters in Lenexa?

A: Kiewit Construction has its regional headquarters in Lenexa.

Q: Which restaurant chain had its former headquarters in Lenexa?

A: Applebee's had its former headquarters in Lenexa.

Q: What are the neighboring cities of Lenexa?

A: Lenexa is bordered by Shawnee to the north, Overland Park to the east, De Soto to the west, and Olathe to the south.

Q: What is the pronunciation of Lenexa?

A: Lenexa is pronounced as /lɪˈnɛksə/.

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