Where is Leeds Bradford International Airport located?

Q: Where is Leeds Bradford International Airport located?

A: The airport is located in Yeadon, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.

Q: When was the airport sold?

A: The airport was sold to Bridgepoint Capital in 2007.

Q: What cities can you fly to from Leeds Bradford International Airport?

A: You can fly to many other cities from the airport, including London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Rome, Milan, Madrid, Barcelona, and Prague.

Q: How many people use the airport every year?

A: Around 3 million people use the airport every year.

Q: Is the number of passengers using the airport increasing each year?

A: Yes, the number of passengers is increasing each year.

Q: What airline is based at Leeds Bradford International Airport?

A: Jet2.com is based at the airport.

Q: Which airline announced they would open a base at Leeds Bradford Airport in August 2009?

A: Ryanair announced they would open a base at Leeds Bradford Airport in August 2009.

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