Where is Las Médulas located?
Q: Where is Las Médulas located?
A: Las Médulas is located near the town of Ponferrada in Spain.
Q: What was Las Médulas used for in the Roman Empire?
A: Las Médulas was the most important gold mine in the Roman Empire.
Q: How did the Romans remove the gold from Las Médulas?
A: The Romans washed away an entire mountain to remove the gold from Las Médulas.
Q: When did the Romans use slaves to mine gold at Las Médulas?
A: The Romans used slaves to mine about 900 tons of gold from Las Médulas from the 2nd to the 4th century AD.
Q: What did the mining at Las Médulas leave behind?
A: The mining at Las Médulas left a series of rock pinnacles, gullies, caves, and tunnels.
Q: What is the UNESCO's opinion of Las Médulas?
A: Las Médulas is listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites.
Q: What is the name of Las Médulas in the Galician language?
A: The name of Las Médulas in the Galician language is As Médulas or As Meduas.