Where is Lamia located?

Q: Where is Lamia located?

A: Lamia is a Greek city located in the center of Greece.

Q: How many people lived in Lamia according to the 2001 census?

A: According to the 2001 census, 50,551 people lived in Lamia.

Q: What is Lamia built at the foot of?

A: Lamia is built at the foot of a hill on the top of which there is a castle.

Q: What was Lamia named during the Middle Ages?

A: During the Middle Ages, Lamia was named Zitouni.

Q: What is Lamia's main industry?

A: Lamia is an agricultural city and its main industry is agriculture.

Q: What are the names of the tall mountains around Lamia?

A: The tall mountains around Lamia are named Timphristos, Oiti, and Othris.

Q: What is Lamia's ancient name?

A: Lamia's ancient name is Lamia, which is still used today.

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