What was Lambeosaurus?

Q: What was Lambeosaurus?

A: Lambeosaurus was a crested, duck-billed dinosaur.

Q: What was the size of its hollow bony crest?

A: Its large hollow, bony crest was as big as the rest of its skull.

Q: When did Lambeosaurus live?

A: Lambeosaurus lived during the later Cretaceous period, about 76 to 75 million years ago (mya).

Q: Where have fossils of Lambeosaurus been found?

A: Fossils of it have been found in Alberta (Canada), Montana (USA), and Baja California (Mexico), but only the two Canadian species have been described in detail.

Q: Who described Lambeosaurus?

A: Lambeosaurus was described by Dr. William A. Parks in 1923, 20 years after Lawrence Lambe (an early Canadian fossil hunter) had studied it.

Q: Where did the genus Lambeosaurus range over?

A: The genus Lambeosaurus ranged over much of North America, and into Mexico.

Q: What is the function of Lambeosaurus' bony crest?

A: The function of Lambeosaurus' bony crest has been much discussed but it remains unclear.

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