Who was Aristotle?

Q: Who was Aristotle?

A: Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who lived from 384 BC to 322 BC.

Q: Why is Aristotle considered important in the history of Western civilization?

A: Aristotle is considered important in the history of Western civilization because he was one of the most important philosophers of his time.

Q: Did Aristotle write many books?

A: Yes, Aristotle wrote many books.

Q: Do all of Aristotle's books still survive today?

A: No, only some of Aristotle's books survive today.

Q: What was Aristotle's role with Alexander the Great?

A: Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great when he was a child.

Q: When and where was Aristotle born?

A: Aristotle was born in Stagira, Macedonia in 384 BC.

Q: When and where did Aristotle pass away?

A: Aristotle passed away in Chalicis, Euboea, Greece on 7 March 322 BC.

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