Where is Lake Clarke Shores situated?
Q: Where is Lake Clarke Shores situated?
A: Lake Clarke Shores is a town located in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA.
Q: What was the population of Lake Clarke Shores according to the 2000 census?
A: The population of Lake Clarke Shores was recorded as 3,451 in the 2000 census.
Q: What is the latest population of Lake Clarke Shores recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau?
A: As of 2004, the latest population of Lake Clarke Shores recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau is 3,475.
Q: Is Lake Clarke Shores situated in the state of Florida?
A: Yes, Lake Clarke Shores is a town located in the state of Florida, USA.
Q: What is the approximate population density of Lake Clarke Shores?
A: The population density of Lake Clarke Shores can be calculated by dividing the total population by the total land area. The information on the total land area is not provided in the given text.
Q: Is Lake Clarke Shores a famous tourist destination in Florida?
A: There is no information provided in the given text indicating whether Lake Clarke Shores is a famous tourist destination in Florida.
Q: Is Lake Clarke Shores the capital of Palm Beach County?
A: No, Lake Clarke Shores is not the capital of Palm Beach County.