What is Lake Albert?

Q: What is Lake Albert?

A: Lake Albert, or Albert Nyanza, is a lake located in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is one of the African Great Lakes and Africa's seventh-largest lake by volume.

Q: Where is Lake Albert located?

A: Lake Albert is located in the center of Africa. It forms part of the chain of lakes in the "Albertine Rift", which is part of the western branch of the East African Rift.

Q: How large is Lake Albert?

A: Lake Albert has an approximate length of 160 km (100 mi) and a width of 30 km (19 mi), with a maximum depth of 51 m (167 ft). It sits 619 m (2,031 ft) above sea level.

Q: What are some sources for Lake Albert?

A: The main sources for Lake Albert are from nearby lakes such as Lake Victoria to the southeast and from Lake Edward to the southwest.

Q: What river does it feed into?

A: The outlet for water from Lake Albert at its northernmost tip is called the Albert Nile, which becomes known as White Nile when it enters South Sudan.

Q: Are there any other features near this lake?

A: Yes - there are swamps at its southern end, while a range of hills called Blue Mountains tower over its northwestern shore.

Q: Was there any activity on this lake during colonial times?

A:Yes - European colonialists operated shipping on this lake as part of their network linking British interests in Egypt, east Africa and southern Africa.

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