What is the Kurgan hypothesis?

Q: What is the Kurgan hypothesis?

A: The Kurgan hypothesis is a theory that explains the origin of the Proto-Indo-European language and the people who spoke it.

Q: What does the Kurgan model use to support its claims?

A: The Kurgan model relies on both archaeology and linguistics to provide evidence of the history of Indo-European expansion.

Q: What does the Kurgan model focus on?

A: The Kurgan model focuses on the culture and language of the people who spoke the Proto-Indo-European language.

Q: How widely accepted is the Kurgan model?

A: The Kurgan model is the most accepted theory on the origins of the Indo-European language.

Q: What is the main point of the Kurgan hypothesis?

A: The main point of the Kurgan hypothesis is to explain how the Proto-Indo-European language and the people who spoke it originated.

Q: Why is the Kurgan model considered the most widely accepted theory on the origins of Indo-European?

A: The Kurgan model is widely accepted because it uses both archaeology and linguistics to provide evidence for its claims.

Q: What evidence does the Kurgan model use to support its claims?

A: The Kurgan model uses both archaeology and linguistics as evidence for its claims.

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