What is Krishnagiri and where is it located?
Q: What is Krishnagiri and where is it located?
A: Krishnagiri is a municipality town and administrative headquarters situated in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
Q: What is the main crop cultivated in Krishnagiri and why is the land suitable for growing crops?
A: Mango is the main crop cultivated in Krishnagiri due to the extremely fertile land that has rich access to fresh water, making it perfect for growing crops.
Q: What is the current status of the Krishnagiri Dam?
A: The Krishnagiri Dam is undergoing expansion.
Q: What kind of development is happening in Krishnagiri?
A: Krishnagiri is experiencing significant business and residential development, as well as the setting up of small-scale industry zones.
Q: What was the population of Krishnagiri according to the 2011 census?
A: According to the 2011 census, Krishnagiri had a population of 71,323.
Q: What is the sex-ratio in Krishnagiri?
A: The sex-ratio in Krishnagiri is 1,015 females for every 1,000 males, which is much above the national average of 929.
Q: What is the historical significance of Krishnagiri district?
A: The Krishnagiri district has prehistoric importance, with archeological sources confirming the presence of human habitations during Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Mesolithic Ages. Rock paintings and rock carvings of Indus Valley civilization and Iron Age further support its historical significance.