Who created the comic strip Krazy Kat?

Q: Who created the comic strip Krazy Kat?

A: The comic strip Krazy Kat was created by cartoonist George Herriman.

Q: When was Krazy Kat first published?

A: Krazy Kat was first published daily in newspapers between 1913 and 1944. It first appeared in the New York Evening Journal.

Q: What phrase originated from another Herriman strip?

A: The phrase "Krazy Kat" originated from another Herriman strip called The Dingbat Family. It was the mouse's way of describing the cat.

Q: Where is the setting for Krazy Kat?

A: The setting for Krazy Kat is Herriman's vacation home of Coconino County, Arizona.

Q: What is the relationship between Ignatz Mouse, Offissa Bull Pupp, and Krazy Cat?

A: Ignatz Mouse despises Krazy Cat and throws bricks at its head which it interprets as a sign of affection. Offissa Bull Pupp is Coconino County's administrator of law and order who tries to interfere with Ignatz's brick-tossing plans by locking him up in jail.

Q: How did intellectuals respond to this comic strip?

A: Intellectuals praised this comic strip for its detailed characterization and visual and verbal creativity, treating it as "serious" art. Critic Gilbert Seldes wrote at length about it in 1924, calling it "the most amusing and fantastic and satisfactory work of art produced in America today." Poet E. E Cummings admired Herriman so much he wrote an introduction to its first collection in book form.

Q: How successful was this comic during its initial run?

A; Although praised by intellectuals, Krazy Kat only had modest success during its initial run but has gained more recognition over time with many modern cartoonists citing it as a major influence on their own work

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