What is KPresenter?
Q: What is KPresenter?
A: KPresenter is a free presentation program that is part of the KOffice office suite for the KDE Desktop Environment.
Q: What is the native format of KPresenter?
A: The native format of KPresenter is XML, compressed with ZIP.
Q: Can KPresenter load presentations from Microsoft PowerPoint?
A: Yes, KPresenter is able to load presentations from Microsoft PowerPoint.
Q: Which other documents can KPresenter load presentations from?
A: KPresenter is also able to load presentations from MagicPoint and OpenOffice.org Impress documents.
Q: Is KPresenter a paid program?
A: No, KPresenter is a free presentation program.
Q: What is the KOffice office suite?
A: The KOffice office suite is a suite of applications for the KDE Desktop Environment.
Q: Is KPresenter only available for desktop use?
A: Yes, KPresenter is only available for use on the desktop.