Where is Korumburra located?

Q: Where is Korumburra located?

A: Korumburra is located in the Australian state of Victoria, 120 kilometres (75 mi) south-east of Melbourne.

Q: How high is Korumburra above sea level?

A: Korumburra is 227 metres (745 ft) above sea level.

Q: How many people were living in Korumburra in 2006?

A: In 2006, there were 4465 people living in Korumburra.

Q: Is Korumburra a city or a town?

A: Korumburra is a town.

Q: How far is Korumburra from Melbourne?

A: Korumburra is 120 kilometres (75 mi) south-east of Melbourne.

Q: What is the population of Korumburra?

A: The population of Korumburra was 4465 in 2006.

Q: What is special about Korumburra?

A: The text does not provide any information about what is special about Korumburra.

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