When and where was Konstantin Rokossovsky born?

Q: When and where was Konstantin Rokossovsky born?

A: Konstantin Rokossovsky was born on 21 December 1896 in Warsaw.

Q: What was Konstantin Rokossovsky's rank during World War II?

A: Konstantin Rokossovsky was a Marshall of the Soviet Union during World War II.

Q: Which battles did Konstantin Rokossovsky command in during World War II?

A: Konstantin Rokossovsky commanded an army in the Moscow battle, Bryansk, and Donskoy fronts, as well as in the Stalingrad battle during World War II.

Q: Was Konstantin Rokossovsky a Marshall of Poland?

A: Yes, Konstantin Rokossovsky was a marshall of Poland in 1949.

Q: How many times was Konstantin Rokossovsky awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union award?

A: Konstantin Rokossovsky was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union award twice, in 1944 and 1945.

Q: When did Konstantin Rokossovsky pass away and where?

A: Konstantin Rokossovsky passed away on 3 August 1968 in Moscow.

Q: What was Konstantin Rokossovsky's birth name in Polish?

A: Konstantin Rokossovsky's birth name in Polish was Konstanty Rokossowski.

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