What is the name of Norway's royal anthem?

Q: What is the name of Norway's royal anthem?

A: The name of Norway's royal anthem is "Kongesangen".

Q: When was the English song "God Save the King" from which it is based written?

A: The English song "God Save the King" from which Kongesangen is based was written in 1741.

Q: Who wrote a Norwegian lyric to this song in 1841?

A: Henrik Wergeland wrote a Norwegian lyric to this song in 1841 called "Gud signe Kongen vor".

Q: Who later rewrote this version of the song?

A: P. Vogtmann later rewrote this version of the song under the name "Gud sign vor Konge god".

Q: Who wrote a simplified version of this rewritten version?

A: Gustav Jensen wrote a simplified version of P. Vogtmann's rewritten version.

Q: How do you pronounce Kongesangen?

A: Kongesangen is pronounced [ˈkɔ̂ŋːəˌsɑŋn̩].

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