Where is Kodaikanal located?

Q: Where is Kodaikanal located?

A: Kodaikanal is located in the hills of the Dindigul district in the state of Tamil Nadu, India.

Q: What is the meaning of the name Kodaikanal?

A: The name Kodaikanal means "The Gift of the Forest" in the Tamil language.

Q: Why is Kodaikanal called the "Princess of Hill stations"?

A: Kodaikanal is referred to as the "Princess of Hill stations" due to its beautiful and serene location in the hills and its popularity as a tourist destination.

Q: When was Kodaikanal established?

A: Kodaikanal was established in 1845 as a resort town.

Q: Why did people come to Kodaikanal in the past?

A: People used to come to Kodaikanal to find refuge from the high temperatures and tropical diseases of the plains.

Q: What is the economy of Kodaikanal based on?

A: Much of the local economy in Kodaikanal is based on the hospitality industry serving tourism.

Q: What is the population of Kodaikanal as of 2011?

A: As of 2011, the population of Kodaikanal was 36,501.

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