What is the area code of Saint Kitts and Nevis?

Q: What is the area code of Saint Kitts and Nevis?

A: The area code of Saint Kitts and Nevis is 869.

Q: When was the 869 area code created?

A: The 869 area code was created in October 1996.

Q: From which area code was the 869 area code split?

A: The 869 area code was split from the original (809) area code.

Q: How does St Kitts use the international direct dial phone code?

A: St Kitts uses "+1" followed by the area code as the international direct dial phone code.

Q: What should you do when calling within Saint Kitts and Nevis?

A: When in Saint Kitts and Nevis, use seven digits alone.

Q: What should you do when calling from the United States or Canada to Saint Kitts and Nevis?

A: When calling from the United States or Canada to Saint Kitts and Nevis, simply dial 1(869) followed by the seven-digit phone number.

Q: What is the method of dialing international calls to Saint Kitts and Nevis?

A: Dial "+1" followed by the area code 869 and then the seven-digit phone number for international calls to Saint Kitts and Nevis.

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