What is the KFC Index?

Q: What is the KFC Index?

A: The KFC Index is an economic index that compares the purchasing power of two currencies in African countries.

Q: How is the KFC Index related to the Big Mac Index?

A: The KFC Index is related to the Big Mac Index, but it is only about Africa. The Big Mac Index covers many countries in the world but can't be used for Africa.

Q: Why can't the Big Mac Index be used for Africa?

A: The Big Mac Index can't be used for Africa because there aren't many McDonald's in Africa.

Q: How many countries in Africa have KFC outlets?

A: KFC is present in almost 20 countries in Africa.

Q: What can the KFC Index be used for?

A: The KFC Index can be used to compare the purchasing power of two currencies in African countries.

Q: What is the benefit of using the KFC Index over the Big Mac Index in Africa?

A: The benefit of using the KFC Index is that it can be used in Africa as KFC is present in almost 20 African countries, whereas there aren't many McDonald's in Africa to use the Big Mac Index.

Q: Is the KFC Index used globally or regionally?

A: The KFC Index is only used for African countries.

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