What is Kepler-186f?
Q: What is Kepler-186f?
A: Kepler-186f is an exoplanet that orbits the red dwarf star Kepler 186.
Q: How far away is Kepler-186f?
A: Kepler-186f is over 580 light years away in the Cygnus constellation.
Q: When was Kepler-186f discovered?
A: Kepler-186f was discovered in 2014 by the Kepler spacecraft.
Q: Is Kepler-186f in the habitable zone of its star?
A: Yes, Kepler-186f is in the habitable zone of its star.
Q: What does it mean for Kepler-186f to be in the habitable zone of its star?
A: Being in the habitable zone of its star means that liquid water may exist on the surface of Kepler-186f.
Q: What is special about Kepler-186f?
A: Kepler-186f is known for being the first Earth-sized exoplanet in the habitable zone of a star.
Q: Which constellation is Kepler-186f located in?
A: Kepler-186f is located in the Cygnus constellation.