What is Kaskaskia?
Q: What is Kaskaskia?
A: Kaskaskia is a village in Randolph County, Illinois, United States.
Q: What was the population of Kaskaskia in 2010?
A: The population of Kaskaskia in 2010 was only 14, making it the second-smallest incorporated community in Illinois.
Q: Was Kaskaskia a major French colonial town?
A: Yes, Kaskaskia was a major French colonial town of the Illinois Country.
Q: When did Kaskaskia become the capital of the Illinois Territory?
A: Kaskaskia became the capital of the Illinois Territory on February 3, 1809.
Q: Was Kaskaskia the capital of Illinois?
A: Yes, Kaskaskia was the capital of Illinois until 1819 when Illinois became the 21st U.S. state.
Q: What happened to Kaskaskia in April 1881?
A: In April 1881, the Mississippi River moved its path to the east, flooding most of the town.
Q: Can Kaskaskia be reached directly from Illinois?
A: No, Kaskaskia is on a small part of Illinois west of the river, and can only be reached from Missouri.