Where is Kanchipuram district located?

Q: Where is Kanchipuram district located?

A: Kanchipuram district is located in the northeast of the state of Tamil Nadu in India.

Q: What is the total geographical area of Kanchipuram district?

A: The total geographical area of Kanchipuram district is 4,432 square kilometres (1,711 sq mi).

Q: What is the coastline of Kanchipuram district?

A: The coastline of Kanchipuram district is 57 kilometres (35 mi).

Q: Which town is the district headquarters of Kanchipuram district?

A: The town of Kanchipuram is the district headquarters of Kanchipuram district.

Q: Who were the rulers that administered Kanchipuram district before Independence?

A: Kanchipuram District had been administered by the Pallavas, Cholas, Vijayanagar rulers and the British before Independence.

Q: What is the history of Kanchipuram district?

A: Kanchipuram District had been administered by the Pallavas, Cholas, Vijayanagar rulers and the British before Independence.

Q: In which direction is Kanchipuram district from the state of Tamil Nadu?

A: The text does not provide information about the direction of Kanchipuram district from the state of Tamil Nadu.

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