What is Kale?
Q: What is Kale?
A: Kale is a non-spherical moon of Jupiter.
Q: Who discovered Kale and when?
A: Kale was discovered in 2001 by astronomers at the University of Hawaii.
Q: What was Kale originally designated as?
A: Kale was originally designated as S/2001 J 8.
Q: What is the orbital inclination of Kale?
A: The orbital inclination of Kale is 165° to the ecliptic (166° to Jupiter's equator).
Q: What is the Carme group?
A: The Carme group is made up of non-spherical retrograde moons orbiting Jupiter at a distance ranging between 23,000,000 and 24,000,000 km and at an inclination of about 165°.
Q: When was Kale named, and what was it named after?
A: Kale was named in August 2003 after one of the Charites (Greek Χάριτες, Latin Gratiae, "Graces"), daughters of Zeus (Jupiter).
Q: Who is Kale's spouse, and what is their significance in mythology?
A: According to some authors, Kale is the spouse of Hephaestus (Vulcan). However, most mythology has Aphrodite playing that role.