What is Aramaic language?
Q: What is Aramaic language?
A: Aramaic language is a Semitic language which has been written for 3100 years and has been spoken for longer than that.
Q: What are some other Semitic languages in addition to Aramaic?
A: In addition to Aramaic, some other Semitic languages include Hebrew, Arabic and many other languages.
Q: What books in the Bible are written in Aramaic language?
A: The two Bible books of Daniel and Ezra have long parts written in Aramaic language.
Q: What is the Jewish Talmud?
A: The Jewish Talmud is a central text of Judaism, which is written in Aramaic language.
Q: How are words written in Aramaic language?
A: Words are written with the 22 characters of the Aramaic alphabet, which was widely adopted for other languages and is an ancestor to the Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic alphabets.
Q: What is the history of the Aramaic language?
A: The Aramaic language has a long history of being written and spoken. It is one of the Northwest Semitic languages.
Q: What is the significance of the Aramaic alphabet?
A: The Aramaic alphabet was widely adopted for other languages and is an ancestor to the Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic alphabets.