What was the Junkers Ju 87?

Q: What was the Junkers Ju 87?

A: The Junkers Ju 87 was a German light bomber of World War II.

Q: What was the function of the Ju 87 in World War II?

A: The Ju 87 was used as a dive bomber.

Q: How many crew members were on the Ju 87?

A: The Ju 87 had a crew of a pilot with a navigator/radio operator behind him, who also handled the rear machine gun.

Q: How much bombs could the Ju 87 drop?

A: The Ju 87 could drop 500 kg of bombs.

Q: Was the Ju 87 ever modified for a specific task?

A: Yes, some Ju-87 were modified as attack aircraft against tanks.

Q: How many Ju 87s were produced in total?

A: More than 6500 Ju 87s were made.

Q: What is the Ju 87 commonly known as?

A: The Ju 87 is universally known as Stuka, an abbreviation of Sturzkampfflugzeug, German for dive bomber.

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