What is the significance of June 21 in the Gregorian calendar?
Q: What is the significance of June 21 in the Gregorian calendar?
A: June 21 is the 172nd day of the year (173rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar.
Q: How many days are remaining in the year after June 21?
A: There are 193 days remaining until the end of the year after June 21.
Q: What is the summer solstice?
A: In most years, June 21 is the date of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, as the day with the most daylight hours.
Q: What is the winter solstice?
A: In the southern hemisphere, June 21 is the winter solstice, with the least daylight hours.
Q: Does June 21 always fall on the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere?
A: In most years, June 21 is the date of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere.
Q: How many daylight hours does the northern hemisphere have on June 21?
A: On June 21, the northern hemisphere has the most daylight hours.
Q: How many daylight hours does the southern hemisphere have on June 21?
A: On June 21, the southern hemisphere has the least daylight hours.