What is a job?
Q: What is a job?
A: A job is any legal activity that allows an individual to perform a service and in return earn credits that can be used to buy things.
Q: What are some examples of jobs that can be done in the house?
A: Some jobs that can be done in the house include washing up and mending things that are broken.
Q: What does the word "job" mean when a person works for someone else?
A: When a person works for someone else, the word "job" means work that a person does to earn money.
Q: Can some jobs pay very little?
A: Yes, some jobs can pay very little.
Q: What is the International Labour Organization?
A: The International Labour Organization was established to make people's job conditions better.
Q: When was the International Labour Organization established?
A: The International Labour Organization was established in 1946.
Q: What kind of work does a dermatologist do?
A: A dermatologist's job is to diagnose and treat skin diseases.