Who was Jimmy Ward?

Q: Who was Jimmy Ward?

A: James William Ward was a right-winger in the National Hockey League from 1928 to 1939, famously known as Jimmy Ward.

Q: When was Jimmy Ward born and when did he pass away?

A: Jimmy Ward was born on September 1, 1906, and passed away on November 15, 1990.

Q: What position did Jimmy Ward play in the NHL?

A: Jimmy Ward played as a right-winger during his career in the NHL.

Q: Who is Pete Ward?

A: Pete Ward is the son of Jimmy Ward, who played professional baseball for nine seasons.

Q: Which team did Pete Ward play for when he won TSN Rookie of the Year honors in 1963?

A: Pete Ward played for the Chicago White Sox when he won TSN Rookie of the Year honors in 1963.

Q: What is Pete Ward's profession?

A: Pete Ward played as a professional baseball player for nine seasons.

Q: When did Pete Ward win TSN Rookie Of The Year honors?

A: Pete Ward won TSN Rookie Of The Year honors in 1963.

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