Where is Jichang Garden located?

Q: Where is Jichang Garden located?

A: Jichang Garden is located in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China.

Q: What is the significance of Huishan Temple in relation to Jichang Garden?

A: Huishan Temple is located close to Jichang Garden.

Q: When was Jichang Garden claimed as a national protected location of historical and cultural relics?

A: Jichang Garden was claimed as a national protected location of historical and cultural relics on 13 January 1988.

Q: What are Xiequ Garden and Guo Ran Da Gong in relation to Jichang Garden?

A: Xiequ Garden in the Summer Palace and Guo Ran Da Gong (or, Double-Crane House) in Yuanming Yuan in Beijing are both similar to Jichang Garden.

Q: What is the Chinese name for Jichang Garden?

A: The Chinese name for Jichang Garden is 寄畅园.

Q: What is the significance of national protected location of historical and cultural relics?

A: National protected location of historical and cultural relics means that the place is important to the cultural heritage and history of a country and is protected by law from being destroyed, damaged, or altered without permission.

Q: What is the significance of Jichang Garden?

A: Jichang Garden is significant as a national protected location of historical and cultural relics, indicating its importance to the cultural heritage and history of China.

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