Who was Jeff Smith?
Q: Who was Jeff Smith?
A: Jeff Smith was an American chef and cookbook author.
Q: When was Jeff Smith born and when did he pass away?
A: Jeff Smith was born on January 22, 1939 and he passed away on July 7, 2004.
Q: What was Jeff Smith's most popular cooking show?
A: Jeff Smith's most popular cooking show was The Frugal Gourmet, which had a long run in America.
Q: What did Time Magazine call Jeff Smith?
A: Time Magazine called Jeff Smith "the most visible gourmet" of the 1980s.
Q: How many best-selling cookbooks did Jeff Smith write?
A: Jeff Smith wrote several best-selling cookbooks.
Q: What was Jeff Smith's profession other than being a chef?
A: Jeff Smith's profession was being a television host of a cooking show.
Q: Was Jeff Smith a prominent figure in the food industry?
A: Yes, Jeff Smith was a prominent figure in the food industry and was well-known for his best-selling cookbooks and cooking show.