When was Jacqueline du Pré born?

Q: When was Jacqueline du Pré born?

A: Jacqueline du Pré was born on 26th January 1945.

Q: What was Jacqueline du Pré's profession?

A: She was an English cellist.

Q: How is Jacqueline du Pré remembered now?

A: Today, Jacqueline du Pré is thought of as one of the greatest cellists of all time.

Q: Which of her performances is she particularly remembered for?

A: She is particularly remembered for her performances of the Elgar Cello Concerto.

Q: Was there a reason why Jacqueline du Pré had to give up playing the cello?

A: Yes, she had to give up playing her cello due to being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Q: How old was Jacqueline du Pré when she became ill?

A: She was still quite young when she became ill with multiple sclerosis.

Q: When did Jacqueline du Pré die?

A: She died on 19th October 1987.

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