What is the county code for Jackson County?

Q: What is the county code for Jackson County?

A: The county code for Jackson County is JA.

Q: How many people lived in Jackson County in 2010?

A: In 2010, 13,462 people lived in Jackson County.

Q: What is the biggest city in Jackson County?

A: The biggest city in Jackson County is Holton, which is also the county seat.

Q: Who was Calhoun County named after originally?

A: Calhoun County was originally named after pro-slavery South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun.

Q: When was Calhoun County renamed to Jackson County?

A: Calhoun County was renamed to Jackson County in 1859.

Q: What percentage of the county's area does the Prairie Band Potawatomi Indian Reservation make up?

A: The Prairie Band Potawatomi Indian Reservation makes up about 18.5% of the county's area.

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