What does "issue" mean in legal use?

Q: What does "issue" mean in legal use?

A: In legal use, "issue" means a disputed point between the parties in a lawsuit.

Q: What can "legal issue" also refer to?

A: "Legal issue" can also refer to a person's lineal descendants or a group of securities being offered for sale.

Q: What is an issue of law?

A: An issue of law is a question of how a law is applied, rather than a question of fact.

Q: Can an issue of law be disputed by parties to a lawsuit?

A: Yes, an issue of law can be disputed by parties to a lawsuit.

Q: Does "issue" always have a legal connotation?

A: No, "issue" can also be used in a non-legal context.

Q: What is the difference between an issue of law and an issue of fact?

A: An issue of law pertains to how a law is applied, while an issue of fact pertains to the actual events that occurred.

Q: How is "issue" used when referring to a person's lineal descendants?

A: When referring to a person's lineal descendants, "issue" refers to their direct descendants, such as children or grandchildren.

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