What is ISO 8601?
Q: What is ISO 8601?
A: ISO 8601 is an international standard that describes dates and times in a way that is easy for computers to understand.
Q: How is the ISO 8601 standard based on putting the numbers?
A: The ISO 8601 standard is based on putting the biggest types of numbers first and the smallest numbers last.
Q: What is the order of YEAR-MONTH-DAY in the ISO 8601 format?
A: The order of YEAR-MONTH-DAY is used in the ISO 8601 format.
Q: What does a basic ISO date for today look like?
A: A basic ISO date for today looks like 2022-11-10.
Q: How is the ISO 8601 dates put in alphabetical order?
A: When a computer or human puts ISO 8601 dates into alphabetical order, they are also in chronological order.
Q: Is it common for people in any country to write dates using this standard in their day-to-day lives?
A: No, it is currently not common for people in any country to write dates using this standard in their day-to-day lives, but many Asian countries follow YEAR-MONTH-DAY order.
Q: What is the basic ISO time?
A: The basic ISO time is 17:36.