What is Islamic Azad University?

Q: What is Islamic Azad University?

A: Islamic Azad University is a private university system based in Iran.

Q: When was Islamic Azad University founded?

A: Islamic Azad University was founded in 1982.

Q: How many students study at Islamic Azad University?

A: 1.5 million students study at Islamic Azad University.

Q: How many branches does Islamic Azad University have?

A: Islamic Azad University has over 100 branches across Iran and also in other countries such as the emirate of Dubai and the United Kingdom.

Q: How wealthy is Islamic Azad University estimated to be?

A: Islamic Azad University is estimated to be worth between $20 and $25 billion.

Q: What is the size of Islamic Azad University compared to other universities?

A: Islamic Azad University is the world's third largest university.

Q: Is Islamic Azad University a public or private university?

A: Islamic Azad University is a private university system.

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