Where is Irrunytju located?
Q: Where is Irrunytju located?
A: Irrunytju is located in Western Australia, in the Goldfields-Esperance region.
Q: Is Irrunytju a large or small community?
A: Irrunytju is a small community with approximately 150 people living there.
Q: What is the predominant ethnicity of the community?
A: The predominant ethnicity of Irrunytju is Ngaanyatjarra.
Q: What is the Surveyor Generals Corner?
A: The Surveyor Generals Corner is the point where the borders of Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory meet.
Q: What surrounds the town of Irrunytju?
A: The town of Irrunytju is surrounded by the Wingellina Hills, large granite hills with mulga and mallee growth.
Q: What is the meaning of the name Irrunytju?
A: The name Irrunytju comes from the name of a sacred site located in the hills to the south.
Q: Are there many people living in the community of Irrunytju?
A: No, there are about 150 people living in the community.