What is the pronunciation of Anyang?
Q: What is the pronunciation of Anyang?
A: The pronunciation of Anyang is [a.njaŋ].
Q: How many people live in Anyang?
A: Approximately 600,000 people live in Anyang.
Q: Where is Anyang located?
A: Anyang is located in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. It is a satellite city of Seoul and located about 21 km (13 mi) to south of Seoul, and 19 km (12 mi) to north of Suwon.
Q: What rank does Anyang hold among cities in South Korea?
A: Anyang is the 20th largest city in South Korea.
Q: Is there public transportation available between Seoul and Anyang?
A: Yes, there is public transportation available between Seoul and Anyang via the Seoul Subway Line 1 and Line 4.
Q: How far away from Seoul is Anyang?
A: Anyang is located about 21 km (13 mi) south of Seoul.