What is an anvil?
Q: What is an anvil?
A: An anvil is a hard piece of metal that is used as a workbench when making things out of iron or steel.
Q: What is a blacksmith?
A: A blacksmith is a person who works with iron and steel to make things like horseshoes using an anvil.
Q: How does a blacksmith use an anvil?
A: A blacksmith uses an anvil to hammer hot iron to bend it into the shape he wants.
Q: Where were anvils used in ancient times?
A: Anvils were used in Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, and were known in the Bronze Age and possibly earlier.
Q: Are anvils still in use today?
A: Yes, anvils are still in use today, although not as much as 100 years ago when there were many more horses.
Q: Why was John Bunyan famous?
A: John Bunyan was a 17th century writer who was a tinker (someone who mends pots and pans).
Q: What was special about John Bunyan's anvil?
A: John Bunyan's anvil was wedge-shaped so that he could knock it into the ground when he needed to do a repair, and it is now in the John Bunyan museum in Bedford.